Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Interrobang?! Jonathan Adler!

My new(ish) job is located close to The Artworks, a very cool store located in downtown Edmonton. When my one friend at work is busy at lunch time, I sometimes wander over there to check out their very hip, sometimes expensive jewelery, cards, flowers and decor items. A past trip there resulted in the impulse acquisition of a Jonathan Adler mug.

As time passes, my feelings for this mug are only increasing. To the point where I have considered naming the sweet girl and boy faces that grace its opposite sides, and where I felt the least I could do was introduce them to you all. Pictured on the left is Mabel, on the right is Frederick, and in the middle, is the mug sitting on a chair that Joel recently purchased at one of my favourite haunts, the good ol' VV. The chair, which is modeled after a "Tulip" chair by a designer, would be worth over $1,000 if it was brand name. But brand name chairs are a whole separate blog post.

So I will leave you with the question: do you know what the INTERROBANG is? I thought it was a grammatical myth until Nate pointed me towards its Wikipedia entry, which of course proved to me that it was very, very real. Check it out HERE. While I have a real distaste for the "?!", I feel I could, with time, come to love the interrobang.