Monday 9 March 2009


Several people have asked me what I have been up to lately and I keep not delivering a very good answer. I'm not so good on my feet sometimes. So, I'm going to make a little list here for my inquisitive friends.
  • I have been on Global, The Sun Online, and on City TV Twice in the past 10 days as a media spokesperson for various work events. I definitely never would have predicted that in my future (especially in light of my claim that I am not that quick on my feet), but here I am.
  • On that note, I am starting to enjoy my job more and more in a lot of ways. I don't know if would go so far as to say that me and my job are soulmates, but I think we are starting to like each other. Or at least figure out that we both have a lot to offer each other. A symbiotic relationship of sorts. It's a good feeling.
  • I still don't really have any friends at work. I had one, and then she quit. Sucks. I miss my old work friends a whole lot. They are gems.
  • My computer has been broken for a couple of weeks. I guess Dell really sucks at power cords. That's the word on the street at least. But the good news is that they were really good about replacing it in a timely manner, so that was nice.
  • I cleared out some of my old/ancient crafty supplies the other night. The thing about never moving very far from home is that it's easier to take all your crap with you. I have some seriously vintage craft supplies. Furry monkey stickers, for example.
  • Joel has been really busy getting ready for the Synchotron which means I haven't seen him a whole lot lately, but he had some down time this weekend finally where we got to go to the Sugarbowl and sit at the bar and eat copious amounts of excellent Huevos Rancheros. It was exactly what I wanted to be doing.
  • I went and saw 'The Reader' last week with Kim and Caylie. It was a random little movie-watching group, but a very good movie. I am a Kate Winslet fan, which is sort of a new realization, since I had been holding Titanic against her for quite a while. Not that she was actually terrible in it. Just because it was Titanic.
  • Luke Doucet and the White Falcon played a concert at the Myer Horowitz that I had tickets for as a Christmas present from Joel. He put on a really great, long show to celebrate his first time headlining in a soft-seat theatre.
  • Francis greeted me this week with an enthusiastic "HI. I LOVE YOU!" It is the first time he has ever done that and it was completely awesome. I love him too. Nephews and nieces are good, good things.
  • Karen, Bri and I discussed the whats/whys/hows of marriage around my kitchen table. It was interesting. And then we watched "On a Boat" ft. T-Pain and had a good laugh.
  • I fit a ham sandwich into a plastic lemon. It was a highlight of last week, let me tell you.

That's all for now, folks.


  1. i miss you and wish i could have partaken in your activities with you. specifically, i would like to have help sort through the old crafty stuff.

  2. How dare you besmirch the good name of Titanic! I always pretend I don't like that movie and then I watch it and get all swoony over Leo as an artist. Ohh and Romeo and Juliet, 'sigh'... tangent, I'll stop.

    Yay for you posting.

  3. watching the ham sandwich be extracted from the plastic lemon and hearing Jamie exclaim "Beth is pulling a ham sandwich out of a plastic lemon!" was a highlight of my last week also.

  4. hueeeeeeevos!
    so good. let's sit at all kinds of bars and eat all kinds of rancheros!
