Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Dictionary Love

I recently discovered an awesome new section in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary that I hadn't noticed before.  It happened when I was looking something up at work, and just kept flipping to the back where I discovered a compilation of all of the words that have been most recently added to the dictionary!  So awesome.  Words like "cougar" and "bootylicious" are constantly emerging and coming up for review by dictionary editors, but I'm never sure which ones actually make the cut.  Anyways, some of the most relevant and entertaining ones, in my opinion, are below...

  • Icicle lights (thank you 2001)
  • Bad hair day (really?)
  • Boy band (thank you BSB vs. 'N Sync rivalry circa 1999)
  • Oxygen bar (ugh, people are so lame)
  • Machiato (thank you Starbucks...and Italy, I guess)
  • My bad (ew)
  • Text messaging
  • Yada yada yada (I want to say thank you Elaine from Seinfeld, but I'm not sure...anyone? Tash?)
  • Talking stick
  • TTYL
  • IMHO
  • Forensic accounting (thank you big business scandals of the 20th century)

Anyways, I thought it was pretty cool.  Some of the words totally suck, but I guess that's not a legitimate criteria for not including them in the dictionary. While we are on the subject, here is a word I would like to see REMOVED from all dictionaries: irregardless.  SHUDDER.

And here is something fun: The Pictorial Webster's Dictionary

Okay, one more thing, since I don't often indulge a dictionary blog post...I was flipping through the "C" section of the dictionary last week and happened to read the definition of Corona.  I had no idea that one of the definitions was "a chandelier of wrought metal, having the form of one or more concentric hoops". Did anyone else realize that this is why Corona LRT station is so named?  It totally has two huge corona style chandeliers above the escalators.  I never thought of it, although I always thought that the chandeliers were awesome and that it was a strange choice for the station name.

I love dictionaries.


  1. You are a dictionary-lover. Is Joel jealous?

    (My dictionary has "Mick Jagger" as an entry, which I've always found weird.)

  2. Funny about Mick Jagger. I checked mine and he's not in there. Mickey Mouse yes, but Mick Jagger no. Which dictionary do you have?

  3. Corona station. That just blew my mind.

  4. "irregardless" is IN a dictionary‽ shudder indeed.

    also, thanks for the info on corona station. i will add it to the informal tour i give to visiting friends.

  5. I'm glad you two are also fascinated by the Corona station trivia!

  6. I like the cover of that dictionary but don't like that it is now April 8th and you haven't blogged again.
