Monday 6 June 2011

House Tour: Part V

I spent part of Saturday tidying up my house because it has become a pit of wedding preparation. I decided I would focus on my bedroom so that I could post the pics AND run away from the clutter that is all around. Not that I don't LOVE the clutter. I do. It's so fun to have 20 projects on the go all at once. Just...busy and messy.

Anyways, here's my room.

And my giant green dresser/credenza from Goodwill. And on the right a giant "a" scored by Natasha's sister and passed along to me. Oh, and a little ceramic bust of a composer on the bed side table.

My styrofoam and fabric upholstered head board, little library drawers, and my Anthro knock-off bed spread from Target.

 This is the view from the bed, into the laundry area that leads to the bathroom. And the chair that me and my mom recovered.

And my jewelery catch-all and little moss terrarium.

And on the other side of the door, my letterpress drawer from my sis, a chalkboard I made out of a thrifted frame, and more jewelery stuff.

And...the finale...MY SUPER ORGANIZED CLOSET. And it OFTEN looks almost this clean. I am pretty stoked about it.


  1. I see wedding decor in that first picture! I still think you're so brave for having so much white stuff; I get EVERYTHING dirty; I just couldn't do it.

    Also, you and your labelled baskets. Adorable.

  2. It is SO clean. Very impressed. 11 days?

  3. Kerry: lucky for me my love of white is complemented by my mad laundry skillz

    Megan: 10 days!
