Friday 4 November 2011


Our friends Nathan and Natasha came for a visit two weekends ago and although we failed miserably at finding a brunch spot that would accept us without an hour-long wait, we had a touristy win when we decided - at Nathan's urgings - to head up to Stanley Park for a tandem bike ride.

Let's start with brunch though. We seriously need some tips for a good fallback brunch place in Vancouver. We've tried to go to places like Jethro's, which is cool and tiny with delicious food and refuses to take reservations (seems to be a Vancouver trend), only to be turned off by the 1-hour wait time. I can handle 45 minutes. But an hour? TOO MUCH! We ended up realizing it was lunchtime and going for burgers for brunch. As much as I like a good burger and milkshake as the first food of the day, I don't think I want to do that again.

Here is a photo of my brunch posse standing on the street. Nathan turned this into an awkward photo. No big surprise there.

Anyways, fueled by burgers, we rented tandem bikes for a pretty reasonable price and rode around the seawall that circles Stanley Park. It was pretty awesome riding on the back because it was totally inconsequential if I let go of the handlebars, so I could take photos the whole time.

Here are Tash and Joel looking crazy.

Tash snapping photos as Nathan steers.

A tandem NO HANDS photo. This really happened.

And a picture of Joel and I on the beach. I cropped his eyes out by accident. This happens sometimes when the tall folk and the short folk take a self portrait. I  like his beardy face though.


  1. this all looks like such fun, it makes my heart hurt a little that i won't get to visit in the near future :(

  2. My favourite blog line ever: "I cropped his eyes out by accident. This happens sometimes when the tall folk and the short folk take a self portrait. I like his beardy face though."
