Monday, 5 December 2011

"Uhhh, I may have bought a home brewing kit"

I went home to Alberta last weekend and while I was gone, my sweet husband sent me a text saying "uhhh, I may have bought a home brewing kit yesterday". Far be it from me to squelch my scientist-husband's at-home science experiments. He has been fascinated by the prospect of brewing beer for a while now, so we are giving it a go, and plan to share the results, if they are drinkable. Who could deny this happy scientist face?

He got the home brew going with a couple of friends while I was still out of town, and then this weekend we tackled the job of moving it into the carboy. It was the very first thing we did on Saturday morning, so I was still waking up when we ran into problems getting the siphon going properly. It was a little early for troubleshooting, so it was somewhere around this point when I declared "THIS IS BORING", and walked out. I didn't mean to be so dramatic. It just came out. I came back in about 30 seconds later and we eventually figured it out.

I was grossed out by the sludge around the edges. It was even grosser when we got to the bottom of the bucket and found the layer of yeast. Just be glad I did not photograph it. I'll leave you with a closeup of the sludgy edge. Come visit and you can try our sludgily delicious concoction! We won't be drinking it all ourselves, that's for sure.

If you want details on the hows and whys and whats, ask Joel, not me. I'm just along for the ride. It's pretty cool though to see how this is done. If only I liked beer as much as I like candy corns.


  1. one of my best friends, who lives up in Alaska, has a "brewing Co-op" with 3 of his friends. They all buy different "parts" of the beer, get together to brew it, and then split it between them. pretty sweet deal, since they have made about 4-5 different kinds, and they don't have to have a HUGE vat to each single person.

  2. We were talking about something like that too, but just with sharing equipment. Nice idea to get different people buying ingredients too!

  3. That's amazing. I wish I could do fun things like this with you on occasion. But I'm also glad you were in Alberta.

  4. Arden totally just finished brewing his first batch of homemade beer! We should have a beer swap next time you are in the city!
