Sunday 9 March 2008

A preview of spring

This weekend has graciously offered the people of Edmonton a preview of spring. Now, if we are realistic about our location we know that this is not the end of winter, but we also will know that that's not the point. The point is that yesterday I walked down Whyte Ave in a T-shirt and then came home and took my bike out for the first time since November. And to top it off, after our bike ride Bri fired up the BBQ and we had steak for dinner. It was lovely.

Speaking of other nice things that happened this weekend, on Friday afternoon I decided I was going to make real dinner and emailed Bri to see if she wanted to eat it with me. Seconds after I pressed the send button my phone rang and it was Bri, calling to see if I was coming home for dinner. She hadn't read my email yet, but had just called to check if I felt like having some of the appetizers that she was going to make. It was a good moment.

Bri made her personal version of bruschetta while I made a black bean stew a la Kevin D. The stew was fantastic, but ended up being a huge pot full. Fortuitously, my parents stopped by at the end of their walk to say hello and ended up staying to have a bite. Then, within 1/2 hour of my parents leaving, a ravenous Joel and a somewhat snacky Lewis showed up and had some of the stew, which was still warm.

Now as if this isn't all good enough, when I went to put away the leftovers, they fit PERFECTLY down to the mL into the container I had chosen for them. If you are not my sister or a former or current roommate, you may not know this about me, but I get an unreal amount of gratification from finding appropriate sized containers for leftovers or bits and pieces of life. I like it when things fit.


  1. comment: you have kept the name i gave you.

  2. i just wanted to say hey and welcome to the blogspot world. it's much nicer here. :)

    also, i bought a pipe last month and it's now on my favorite things list. i think of you when sit outside and smoke.

  3. "somewhat snacky lewis" I really enjoyed that

  4. ravenous joel here: wait, you're going to tempt us with tales of this chili and not post the recipe?!?

    that's what blogs are for!
