Tuesday 20 October 2009

Rolodex Love

Growing up I often asked for very...utilitarian...Christmas and birthday gifts.  Dustbusters, rolodexes.  So, I've had (and loved) this rolodex for many years, but because I just can't leave stuff alone once I get in in my head that it might be spray-paintable I did a little rolodex makeover this weekend.  All it involved was spraying the dividers with my favourite blue paint and affixing cork letters.  Easy and so much cuter now.


  1. Were you aware that I made over my rolodex last year? We are sooo awesome, ha.

  2. Yeah, so, that's a pretty good time. I'm pleased with the result.

  3. Pffft, I can't even believe that you were hassling me to blog since you haven't blogged since last month.
