Thursday 19 November 2009


Although I sometimes get teased for my 'methods', sometimes I just have to risk the teasing and share the genius.

My most recent stroke of brilliance came when - after weeks of hunting for wool tights so that I could extend the dress wearing season late into the fall (thus putting off the inevitable evil of winter that is wearing DRESS PANTS to work) - I wore my new tights once and busted a hole through the toes. Darn toenails.

Soooo, I pulled out my tiniest pair of ankle socks and slid them on first next time I wore my tights. Not only are my feet totally warmer when I walk to work in the morning, but you would NEVER KNOW that I have socks on under my tights. Seriously people.

And, in summary, that is how much I hate dress pants.


  1. Haha. Is it bad that a major factor of consideration in choosing my practicum for next year is whether or not I have to wear dress pant?

  2. No! That's not bad. I seriously feel better about life when I get to wear jeans.

  3. Dress pants suck.

    Also are you sure you can't see the ankle sock line through your tights?

  4. tash, you have to wear the really low ankle socks so that they don't come above your dress shoes. not like the sporty ones.
