Thursday 14 October 2010


As I mentioned, I painted my kitchen.  A super cute aqua colour. It was SO fun to paint after years of not being allowed. 

And my parents brought over an intense picnic lunch because they are adorable.  And then Joel christened it with a closed-eyes dance party.  He didn't actually say I could put this picture online. 

So that's painting.  Next up: finished house!


  1. The colour in that first photo does not look anything like your kitchen actually looks; the picture appears to be mint green paint. Weird.

    I like the colour a lot! It's kind of like my fancy pants bathroom's colour.

  2. how many period table shirts does joel have, that he can risk getting paint on one?

    also: i HATE painting. if i ever need some done, i'll coerce you and joel to come over using promises of picnics and kitchen dance parties.

  3. painting overalls are the cutest
