Sunday, 10 January 2010

Belated Resolutions

My 2010 resolutions include:
  • Reading all of the unread books on my bookshelf, even if it means not using my library card very often.  By my count there are exactly 20 books, but a couple of them are doozies.  Les Miserables and The Brothers Karamazov are both on the shelf.  I can do it, though, and I believe I will be better for it.  This resolution is brought to you by Kerry, who resolved it first, and who is my inspriation.
  • Finding a better way to deal with coffee beans at home.  Most of my coffee is consumed out, so whenever I buy a bag of beans, it inevitably goes stale on the counter or ends up smelling like my freezer.  Ew.  I am considering buying tiny amounts in bulk.  Another option is stealing small amounts from my parents when I am over there.  They always have nice fair trade coffee and I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing a wee bit with their youngest darling daughter.  Secondary coffee resolution: go back to ordering tall drinks at starbucks.  I snuck over to the grande side in 2009 for no particular reason.
  • Not buying clothes unless I LOVE them.  I have too many clothes and work too close to the mall.  I don't have any lunch buddies at work, so I end up shopping way more than I need to.  I don't want to squash the fun, but I do want to evaluate my purchases a little more.  Secondary reslution: make a lunch buddy at work?  Ha.
  • And lastly, "Love much.  Earth has enough of bitter in it" - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox.


  1. hmm, I think I'll make reading my unread books a 2010 goal aswell, good idea! It will stop the "literary bad concience" when studying my bookshelf :)

  2. i can't believe you didn't even cite my influence on the unread books! appalled! plagiarism!

    also, good resolutions.
